How Easy-Vent works
Easy-Vent outdoor filters are used in buildings with exhaust and central extraction systems, mainly residential buildings. Consumed air in the apartment is extracted via the kitchen fan in the kitchen, vents in the toilet / bathroom and sometimes walk-in wardrobes. Easy-Vent is located behind the radiator in other rooms such as living rooms and bedrooms. Here, new air is supplied and preheated. The fresh air flows through the home, trapping pollutants on the way to the extractor hood and exhaust vents.
Easy-Vent fits all radiators
Easy-Vent is fitted on the wall behind the radiator and at the same time acts as a suspension device / console for this. Additional radiator brackets are needed only if the length of the radiator exceeds 1400 mm. Being able to choose a radiator freely gives the customer the opportunity to create the best combination of ventilation, heating and economy.
Intake ducts and hidden air intakes
Our ducts are available in many designs. Sometimes the duct is connected to a visible façade grille, but equally common is that the duct is designed for hidden air intakes under window sills. The exact design of the canals and façade grilles is determined by the location of the building, the design of the walls, sound requirements and wishes for appearance associated with the architecture of the building. Common to all ducts is that they are made of high-quality aluminium zinc sheets, a material resistant to ageing. For a perfect fit and easy installation, the ducts are always customised. Intake ducts are installed either in full at the construction site or parts of the duct are installed in prefabricated walls.
Façade grates
Our façade grates are made of aluminium zinc sheets and are equipped with a small pest-proof mesh. All grates can be painted in any colour.

Easy-Vent er plassert bak radiatoren i stuer og soverom

Uteluft ledes inn i et luft-kammer via en kanal i fasadeveggen. I luft-kammeret filtreres uteluften og varmes opp av radiatoren. Den rene og oppvarmede friske luften strømmer inn i rommet på toppen av radiatoren. Trekkfri og lydløs. Hjemmets "gamle" brukte luft suges ut via kjøkkenvifter på kjøkken og ventiler på toaletter/bad og noen ganger i skap.